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Free eBook “Think and Grow Rich” Napoleon Hill

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“Think and Grow Rich” was first published in 1937, took more than 25 of research to compile by Napoleon Hill, a journalist and writer who later served as an advisor to President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Hill interviewed more than 500 extremely successful individuals to determine to what they owed their vast achievements. This masterwork identifies thirteen principles that you should adopt if you are serious about achieving success. The 13 Principles from Napoleon Hill’s Book are Desire, Faith, Auto Suggestion, Specialized Knowledge, Imagination, Decision, Persistence, Enthusiastic Support, Organized Planning, The Power of the Mastermind, The Subconscious Mind, The Power of the Brain and The Sixth Sense. In this free eBook, you will discover of all these details and how to apply them yourself. Here you find the money-making secrets that can change your life. This book will teach you the secrets that will bring you a fortune. It will show you not only what to do but how to do it. Once you learn and apply the simple, basic techniques revealed here, you will have mastered the secret of true and lasting success. And you may have whatever you want in life. This eBook is offered free, worldwide and instant delivered. Just send us an email, when the immediate reply arrives just click on the title “Think and Grow Rich “, fill in your first name and email and the eBook is yours. Because you are interested in making a substantial income, this eBook comes with an associated online personal email follow up series with free training to make money online without any obligation. Just send a short email to: or request here
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Gringo Nightmare by Eric Volz..

Gringo Nightmare by Eric Volz..

  • 12 Apr 2024 : 18:36 pm

A Young American Framed for Murder in Nicaragua.... In the spirit of Midnight Express and Not Without My Daughter comes the harrowing true story of an American held in a Nicaraguan prison for a murder he didn't commit. Eric Volz was in his late twenties in 2005 when he moved from California to Nicaragua. He and a friend cofounded a bilingual magazine, El Puente, and it proved more successful than they ever expected. Then Volz met Doris Jimnez, an incomparable beauty from a small Nicaraguan beach town, and they began a passionate and meaningful relationship. Though the relationship ended amicably less than a year later and Volz moved his business to the capital city of Managua, a close bond between the two endured. Nothing prepared him for the phone call he received on November 21, 2006, when he learned that Doris had been found dead - murdered - in her seaside clothing boutique. He rushed from Managua to be with her friends and family, and before he knew it, he found himself accused of her murder, arrested, and imprisoned. Decried in the press and vilified by his onetime friends, Volz suffered horrific conditions, illness, deadly inmates, an angry lynch mob, sadistic guards, and the merciless treatment of government officials. It was only through his dogged persistence, the tireless support of his friends and family, and the assistance of a former intelligence operative that Eric was released, in December 2007, after more than a year in prison. A story that made national and international headlines, this is the first and only book to tell Eric's absorbing, moving account in his own words.
